2.4k Unparalleled attention to detail.
BY JUSTIN DAVIS Grand Theft Auto V is a creative triumph.

It’s a game where twilit moments of calm can be abruptly interrupted by… anything. A plane crash. A cougar attack. A police chase. And yet chaos and calm both feel right at home in Los Santos, Rockstar’s larger-than-life version of Los Angeles, and the surrounding countryside.

But it’s arguably GTA 5’s slavish, beyond-obsessive attention to the tiniest details that truly sets the game apart from other AAA blockbusters. These millions of bits of minutia add up to create a game world unlike any other.

Below are the 100 mind-blowing “tiny things” in GTA V that caught our eye and make San Andreas such an incredible, believable space. Easter eggs and amusing character-switching moments have intentionally been excluded - this is strictly a list of 100 examples of Rockstar's peerless attention to detail, not a list of best moments.

We didn’t discover these details on our own - huge thanks to the great communities at NeoGAF , Reddit  and GameFAQS  for initially discovering and reporting on most these finds. By all means share your favorite tiny details in the comments! There are undoubtedly hundreds more.
1) Failing and repeating a mission will give you several slightly different versions of the same pre-mission briefing dialogue.
2) Flip-flops actually flop when worn - they aren’t glued to the bottom of your foot.
3) When wading in water, your clothes get wet - but only up to the point you actually waded. The rest of you stays dry.
4) If you hail and hop into a taxi at the airport when someone was already waiting for one, they’ll get mad and shout at you, or try to pick a fight.
Backfiring cars can ignite gas trails.
5) There is a chance you can walk into a business while another random NPC is robbing it.
6) Michael will confess to and discuss random events that just happened when visiting his psychiatrist, like sleeping with prostitutes or running over pedestrians.
7) The little “tink tink tink” cooling off sound cars make when turned off is present.
8) If you talk to a character on the phone and call them again right afterwards, they comment on having just spoke to you.
9) Lamar ribs Franklin about his haircut at the end of an early mission. Later on, Lamar’s dialogue changes based on whether you changed your hair or not.
10) Backfiring cars can ignite gas trails.
GTA 5's car audio is incredibly detailed.

GTA 5's car audio is incredibly detailed.
11) Sometimes topless women will party at Vinewood mansions. Snap pictures of them with your phone and they’ll call you a creep and their boyfriends will pick fights with you.
12) If you stop your car in the road and block traffic, drivers behind you will flick you off.
13) If you try to force Trevor to listen to certain kinds of music, he’ll get angry and override you, changing the radio station back himself.
14) Sweat will seep through character’s clothes if they run or exercise for an extended period of time.
15) If you spend a lot of money customizing your car, random NPCs will stop and compliment you on it, and start snapping pictures.
If you try to snap a picture of a street performer without tipping them, they get angry.
16) If you “accidentally” run over Michael’s wife, both characters react with unique dialogue, and she later sends you an angry bill for her hospital stay.
17) If you try to snap a picture of a street performer without tipping them, they get angry.
18) Sometimes street performers will get phone calls and will “break character” to answer and talk.
19) You can send other characters in your address book your hunting pictures, and they all text back with unique responses. Most of them angry or confused.
20) Hikers on top of Mt. Chiliad take pictures of the view with their phones.
Hikers, wildlife, and more give MT. Chilliad life.

Hikers, wildlife, and more give MT. Chilliad life.
21) Michael’s wife Amanda can be found on the game’s fake dating website, hushsmush.
21) The mouse clicker in the in-game internet isn’t a pointer finger - it’s a middle finger.
22) Dome lights turn on when you open car doors.
23) After buying clothes for the Lifeinvader mission, if you return to the store the clerk asks how the interview went.
24) After getting wasted and being discharged from the hospital, your character will still have cuts and bruises.
25) The Dilettante, the in-game Prius clone, initially runs silent until you aggressively accelerate, at which point the engine kicks in.
26) If you pull up to a red light in a sports car next to someone else in a sports car and rev your engine, they’ll often burn out and race you when the light turns green.
27) Burning rubber (or doing other attention-getting things) will lead to NPCs whipping out their phones to film you.
28) Kicking cars can dent them.
29) NPCs will cover their heads or run for awnings when it starts raining.
30) You lose your GPS signal when entering a tunne


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1. Pertama begitu gabung dan masuk ke homepagenya langsung arahin cursor di kolom FIGHT, terus nanti ada Referral fight kayak di gambar, lalu klik.

Klik attack seperti di gambar yg dilingkar merah

Lalu klik attack now

Lihat di bagian atas kanan ada waktu yg menunjukkan fight kamu berlangsung, dalam 1 x fight durasi nya 10 menit, jadi kalo 10 x fight = 10 x 10 menit

Lakukan cara2 di atas berulang2 selama 10 x (karna batas maksimum fight dalam sehari hanya 10x)

2. Setelah selesai fight langsung arahkan cursor kamu ke kolom work, workplaces. klik.

Di bagian ini klik pada bagian lingkaran merah (tapi di gambar Work not available, karna saya sudah menjalankan work tersebut, dapat dilihat dari kiri gambar yg dilingkar biru) kalau anda yg belum menjalankannya disana pasti tertulis work available.

Setelah itu anda harus menunggu durasi dari work tersebut seperti pada gambar yg dilingkar merah, sedangkan gambar yg dilingkar biru di tengah menunjukkan rumus produktivitas anda.


Nah gimana cara dapetin energy??
Cara nya dengan membeli koran, makanan, susu, keju, dll

Contoh membeli koran
Ke Lembar paling awal dari web (Home) lalu arahkan kursor menurun.


Klik Buy di lingkaran merah pada gambar di bawah ini, 0.04 IDR,
0.07 IDR, 0.08 IDR dst itu adalah harga dari koran tsb (
pilih harga yg paling murah!! Di gambar yg termurah adalah 0.04 IDR, karna harga koran tidak mempengaruhi energi yg nanti nya di dapat, karna setiap beli koran sudah pasti dapat energi +0.3 berapapun harga koran tsb dan "pembelian koran di batasi maksimal 10 koran per harinya untuk menambah energy, pembelian koran ke 11 tidak akan berpengaruh dalam menambah energy")


Contoh membeli makanan atau susu
Di menu awal (home) arahkan cursor ke markets, lalu pilih local market.


Di menu ini, anda dapat melihat ada banyak barang dan makanan yg dijual seperti makanan, baju, senjata, rumah, dll (lingkaran coklat), di bawah nya ada kualitas dari jenis barang atau makanan yg anda pilih (lingkaran merah), dan dibawahnya lagi ada keterangan energy yg di dapat dari masing2 kualitas makanan atau barang tersebut.


NB: Ada perbedaan waktu konsumsi dari tiap2 makanan, contoh seperti susu dan kopi yg bisa di konsumsi setiap saat dalam 1 hari, tapi hanya 1 x.
sedangkan makanan atau masakan dapat dikonsumsi pada saat2 tertentu, jam 03.05 pagi, 09.05 pagi, 15.05 sore, dan 21.05 malam.

Hari kedua sebagian besar masi seperti hari pertama tapi bedanya sebelum fight dan work kita harus maksimalkan energy kita dari IDR yg terkumpul sebelumnya.

- Beli 10 koran dengan harga termurah @0.3 energy x 10 = 3 energy
- Beli susu HIGH QUALITY bila masi ada IDR yg cukup

Setelah semuanya terpenuhi, langsung fight 10 x dan di teruskan Work

NB: Diharuskan fight terlebih dahulu sebelum work, karna work memakan 50% enegy kita, sedangkan fight 10% dr enegy kita, dan efek penghasilan IDR lebih besar di fight

Hampir sama dengan hari kedua, perbanyak energi dan lakukan fight n work.
Lakukan point2x diatas terus menerus, apabila uang setelah beli 10 koran dan susu HQ masih cukup bisa mulai membeli cuisine, dengan jam makan 07:15 , 13:15,  19:15 dan 01:15 WIB..
lanjutkan seperti itu terus di hari hari berikutnya sampai bisa masuk ke arena untuk cuci idr ke euro  

Untuk yang masih kebingungan bisa send PM ke inbox saya, caranya gampang, tinggal klik kotak surat "inbox", terus compose message, masukin nama tujuan pesan dan subject (jgn lupa isi curhatannya)

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Bumi merupakan sosok yang pendiam dan selalu melihat sisi dari matahari disetiap hadir matahari, tetapi

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maka bumi akan selalu setia menemaninya dan selalu patuh kepada matahari. Maka insyaallah aku akan

menjadi bumi dan dia akan menjadi matahari yang selalu menyinariku setiap hari dan akupun akan selalu

menjaga senyumnya..



     Laptop acer terbaru merupakan pilihan sebagai salah satu reomendasi anda untuk memilih laptop yang layak dan patut untuk digunakan. Selain itu daftar harga acer yang terjangkau mulai diburu para konsumen di Indonesia. Semua harga netbook acer dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu sesuai dan melihat harga pasaran setiap bulannya . Untuk saat ini harga acer aspire Juli-Agustus 2013 dan akan diupdate di bulan depan.

Berikut ini harga notebook acer terbaru lengkap dengan list harga mini acer.

Harga Acer Terbaru

Laptop acerHarga acer
ACER Aspire E1-471GRp. 5.499.000,00
ACER Aspire Slim V5-471GRp. 5.999.000,00
ACER Aspire Slim V5-471PRp. 6.699.000,00
ACER Aspire Slim S3-951 i3Rp. 7.199.000,00
ACER Aspire V3-471GRp. 7.399.000,00
ACER Aspire Slim S3-391 i5Rp. 8.499.000,00
ACER Aspire Slim V5-471PGRp. 8.499.000,00
ACER Aspire Slim S7-191Rp. 13.299.000,00
ACER Aspire Slim S7-391Rp. 17.299.000,00
ACER Aspire E1-471Rp. 4.699.000,00

Oldest Rocks on Earth Found 4.28 Billion Years of Age

Scientists have discovered rocks that until now believed to be the oldest rocks on Earth. Age of 4.28 billion years old makes the stone more than the 250 million year old rocks were found previously.

According to scientific calculations, the Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a disk of dust and gas that surrounds the sun. But the remnants of Earth's infancy are hard to find because most of the material is recycled by the Earth due to abdominal movement of tectonic plates that constantly change the Earth's surface.

In 2001, geologists found a stone slab known as Nuvvuagittuq green belt on the east coast of Hudson Bay in northern Quebec. Suspect that the rocks there may have originated from the early period of Earth's history, geologists took samples to determine their age.

They measure small variations of isotopes of rare earth elements, neodymium and samarium in the rocks and determined that the samples were from 3.8 to 4.28 billion years.

The age of the oldest, dating from the stone called "faux amphibolite", believed to be ancient volcanic sediment. This stone beat the previously oldest known rocks, with 4.03 billion years old and came from a formation called Acasta Gneiss, Northwest Territories Canada.

The only starting material older than Nuvvuagittuq stone is zircon from isolated mineral grains that are resistant to weathering and geological processes. The oldest zircons from the grains in Western Australia approximately 4.36 billion years old.